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3D Prototype Printing

3DSDS have 2 Wanhao 3D printers we can print your designs.

We can produce your 3D Model using our in-house software of AutoCAD, Advance Steel and or Revit.

If you just want us to print your work then send us your STL file.

The maximum print size we can cater for is 300 x 300 x 300.

Can be printed in ABS (Black) or various PLA colours available.

For a quote, email us using the Let's Chat! Box.

Exploded Spiral Staircase.jpg
Spiral Staircase Single 1.jpg
Straight Stair 1.jpg
Straight Stair 2.jpg
Straight Stair 3.jpg

Invoices payable by direct bank transfer or over the phone card payments welcome. All major Debit and Credit Cards Accepted.

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